ELMAC is a multifaith cohort of leaders under age 35 interested in working together to support each other and change the world! With members from across Minnesota from a variety of religions, spiritualities, colleges, and organizations, ELMAC provides young people a space to have meaningful conversations about the future of multifaith engagement and the future of the planet. Join us in developing our mission, vision, goals, and action projects.
Our goal for membership is 50 people by the end of the year. If you know anyone who may be interested, please feel free to share the following information:
If you would like to sign up for regular emails about meetings, opportunities, and more please complete the following form: https://forms.gle/UUbwvyVXSXD9sXtw9. You are also welcome to send
ELMAC Chair Danielle Clausnitzer an email at elmac@mnmultifaith.org or schedule a meeting with Danielle at https://calendly.com/d/yp3-3m4-ts8/60min.
Please also feel free to sign up if you are over the age of 35 and have an interest in supporting ELMAC and/or receiving updates from ELMAC members. Those over 35 can also reach out to Network Executive Jen Kilps for more information at jkilps@mnmultifaith.org.
Thank you for signing up for our newsletter! We hope you enjoy it and find it helpful in your own efforts to build a more just and loving Minnesota!
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