The best way to support MnMN is to become a
member of the network,
which we hope you will.
Please consider joining as a Friend,
an individual Member or
as a Partner Organization!
MnMN is a grassroots network with a small staff.
We rely on donations for the majority of our funding.
We budget and spend conservatively
and are mindful stewards
of financial support we receive.
Please consider donating to MnMN!
We are happy to announce our new BUILDERS CIRCLE campaign!
Over the past year there has been a steep rise in hate and violence toward specific religious groups both in Minnesota and nationally. Fear, division and misunderstanding spread as relationships break down and communities suffer. Now, more than ever, we must expand MnMN’s work to BUILD connections, communication and equipping potential leaders amongst those working for peace and justice in Minnesota. To do this, we ask you to stand with us in building the Minnesota Multifaith Network by supporting joining our Builders Circle Campaign and pledge any amount for three years to work collectively building bridges of understanding and peace.
We invite you to make a
three year pledge,
of any amount,
to join MnMN’s
And become part
of building the
relationships, community, hope, understanding and peace we need for a
just and loving Minnesota.
(select to pay today)
(select to pay by check later)
Thank you!
We at MnMN would like to give our special thanks to our friends and members who have provided the financial base to make MnMN a reality. These people pledged to support MnMN for three years, giving us the base needed to start our work and build what we have accomplished thus far. We are forever grateful to their generosity and belief in the vision for MnMN that through relationship and community building we can help transform our world for the greater good of all.
Thank you Founders Circle!
Grant Abbott & Elaine Tarone
Sally Abrams
Vishal & Dimple Agarwal
Susan Albrecht
Andrea Bond
Wendy & Bill Brian
John Brod & Holly Farber
Cynthia & Dan Bronson- Sweigert
Lee Burdge
Zan Christ
Ben Connelly
Charles & Pen Curry
Dr. Sita Kantha Dash
Rev. Dr. Curtiss DeYoung
Lois West Duffy
Tom Duke & Jean Hammink
Carla Feldhamer
Diane & Gary Follmer
Jack Fortin
Connie Fourre
Ram Gada
Paul Greene
Joan Haan
Judy & Scott Harrington
David Harris
Sandra & Timon Iverson
Tim & Michele Johnson
Jerry & Bonita Johnson
Kristin Johnstad
Patrice Koelsch
Bill Konrardy
Anne Krisnik
Pam Lauer
Jessi Le Clear Vachta
Ann Lewis
Rabbi Lynn Liberman
Judith Lies
Rabbi David Locketz
Beverly Lutz
Emily Maltz
Leslie Martin
John & Patty Matthews
Tim & Jan Maudlin
Shehla Mushtaq
Tamara Nadel
Godan Nambudripad
Bruce Nerland
Rev. Paula Nordhem
Ruth Anne Olson
Manley Olson
Johanna Osman
Bharat Parekh
Joann & Eric Pasternak
Joy Persall
Jan & Jan Phillips
Mary Pickard
Anand Prashad
Professor Anant & Geeta Rambachan
Robert Rees
Maerin Renee
Rev. Philip Romine
Randi Roth
Father Erich Rutten
Rev. Bradley Schmeling
Rev. Joanne Sorenson
David & Mary Jo Sterling
Rabbi Adam & Rachel Stock Spilker
Bradford & Colleen Stone
Prabhat Tekriwal
Laura Thelander
Rabbi David Thomas
Liz & Joel Trinkle
Rev Nancy Victorin-Vangerud
Patty & Don Wallway
Mary Ann & David Wark
Carolyn Winslow
Brian Zakem
Title: Interfaith Mapping Project
Goal: To enhance the Minnesota Multifaith Network’s capacity to network interfaith leaders and groups by collecting and posting relevant information.
The Minnesota Multifaith Network seeks college level student interns to assist staff and volunteers of MnMN with the following tasks:
If you are interested please contact Dr. Jen Kilps, Network Executive
Thank you for signing up for our newsletter! We hope you enjoy it and find it helpful in your own efforts to build a more just and loving Minnesota!
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