A Silent Vigil for Peace December 30, 2023 Stone arch Bridge in Minneapolis
This vigil was a solemn moment for those gathered to reflect on pain and on what continues to be grave human tragedy. It offered a light of hope as a statement that Minnesota has no place for anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim bias and hate. It was an active expression of unity and solidarity for the sacredness of all human life. Bridges are symbolic of many things: connection, journeys, union, transition, understanding. Here is a clip our journey and some words of participants who met and walked together across the bridge in silence as the cold waters of the Mississippi flowed beneath.
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Monday, November 20 @ 7 pm @ Temple of Aaron Synagogue
616 S. Mississippi River Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55116
All are welcome! Co-sponsored by MnMN, Temple of Aaron Synagogue and Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul, Temple of Aaron Synagogue hosted an Interfaith Service of Community Empowerment. The theme of community empowerment comes from the hope that, in the words of Rabbi Rubenstein, “through our gratitude, communal connection and common values, we can craft a strong, united and loving Saint Paul community.” The event was a huge success with over 200 in atttendance.
MnMN's 4th Annual Conference - A Place of Welcome: A Multifaith Gathering on Practicing Hospitality in Minnesota
NOV 9 2023; 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm; Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in St Paul
This year’s MnMN Convening invites us to consider the concept of hospitality and what that means for our faith and secular communities throughout the state of Minnesota.
During this convening, leaders and practitioners of Minnesota’s diverse religious communities, interfaith leaders, and young people will gather to discuss and celebrate how different religious and belief traditions practice hospitality.
As a "keynote experince" this event will culminate in a Langar meal prepared and served by the Sikh Society of Minnesota. “The Langar is a hallmark of the Sikh faith. It is designed to uphold the principle of equality between all people of the world regardless of religion, caste, color, creed, age, gender, or social status; to eliminate the extreme poverty in the world, and to bring about the birth of "caring communities". In addition to the ideals of equality, the tradition of Langar expresses the ethics of sharing, community, inclusiveness, and oneness of all humankind. "..the Light of God is in all hearts." It is this act of seva, or selfless service, which distinguishes Langar as an unparalleled act of hospitality practiced around the world.
True Tuesdays Convening - Coordinating a Multifaith Response to Hate Based Discrimination and Violence in MN
SEPT 19, 2023; 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm; Zoom
Hosted by Minnesota Humanities Center and Minnesota Multifaith Network (MnMN). How can religious leaders and community organizations collectively work to effectively address hate and divisiveness in Minnesota? TRUE partner, Dr. Jen Kilps, Network Executive of the MnMN, is pleased to welcome Professor Najeeba Sayeed, El-Hibri Endowed Chair and Executive Director of Interfaith at Augsburg to our next TRUE Tuesdays session where Dr. Sayeed will share the process and results from the July 20th convening. Professor Sayeed will also share her own work toward countering and preventing religious based discrimination and violence, particularly with an anti-Muslim bias.
WELCOME! Visit Your Neighbor: Walking Tour of Five Houses of Worship, Six Congregations on Summit Avenue
SUNDAY, SEPT 10, 2023
A Sunday afternoon walking tour of five Houses of worship (six congregations) on Summit Avenue in St. Paul. The tour included stops and welcome at House Of Hope, St Paul’s UCC and Holy Presence Old Catholic (same building), St. Thomas More, St. George’s and Mt Zion Temple.
Coordinating a Multifaith Response to Hate Based Discrimination and Violence in MN
Sponsored by MnMN,
Augsburg Interfaith Institute
Shoulder to Shoulder, people of faith, community representatives, and organizers who are active in countering and preventing hate in Minnesota gathered to meet and build relationships with peers across traditions, share efforts underway and resources available, and brainstorm new ways to act together. The questions the group gathered to ask were:
- What do Minnesotans need to hear from its diverse religious leaders on these and other issues?
- What grassroots work is already going on to prevent and respond to hate, divisiveness and discrimination?
- How could efforts, current and new, be synergized to make a significant impact in Minnesota’s communities?
Building a Hate Free Minnesota
Inagural Meeting of Emerging Leaders Multifaith Action Council (ELMAC)
MAY 18th, 12pm Zoom
Drawing on the already existing network structure of MnMN, Emerging Leaders Multifaith Action Council (ELMAC) is comprised of young leaders in different faith communities and communities of no faith. This structure allows for multifaith conversations related to pressing issues and creates a space in which beliefs can be shared safely.
Generation Z and Millennials will meet once per month to collaborate on potential solutions to the major issues facing their generation. ELMAC is a space for young Minnesota leaders to develop their views of the world while forming a supportive network. All under 35 are welcome to join.
Please fill out this form to indicate your interest.
Third UN Day of Living Together in Peace (IDLTP) SAT MAY 20, 2023
Noon to 4pm at Valley Lake Park 16050 Garrett Path, Lakeville
ALL ARE WELCOME! Activities for all ages! Food + Games + Mural + Peace Path + Scavenger Hunt + Resources FREE!
Members of our interfaith community and other committed community members have planned an exciting day for the South Metro at Valley Lake Park in Lakeville. The event is celebrating the International Day of Living Together in Peace and all are welcome! Activities, games, food (halal, kosher, and vegan), resources, and fun! All free. It is an interfaith picnic plus!
The International Day of Living Together in Peace is a day to live and act together in peace. It is a day to respect differences and diversity and to unite in the spirit of understanding, respect, tolerance, inclusion, and solidarity.
Dialogue, Peace and Reconciliation: Cultivating a Culture of Encounter, Wonder and Curiosity
MAY 6th, 2023
MnMN is Co-Sponsoring the spring Multifaith Leadership Workshop with the Jay Phillips Center for Interreligious Studies at the University of St. Thomas on May 6th. The keynote speaker is interfaith leader Simran Jeet Singh, Director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute and Senior Fellow with the Sikh Coalition. The workshop will explore what it means to create a culture of curiosity, wonder, and encounter. Learn from practitioners, scholars, and leaders about developing skills to engage religious diversity, cultivate curiosity through storytelling, listen with empathetic understanding, navigate difficult conversations, participate in religious and nonreligious spiritual practices, and to develop greater self-awareness for leadership in religiously diverse societies.
Exploring Religious Literacy and Inclusion
MARCH 27th
MnMN is Co-Sponsoring an event with the Canadian interfaith program Encounter World Religions at Augsburg’s 2023 The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® on March 27th called Exploring Religious Literacy and Inclusion. We are providing a daylong immersion experience into different religious traditions for participants in the conference. We will be visiting the Hindu Mandir in Maple Grove, the Northwest Islamic Community Center and Temple Israel in Minneapolis.
See this article from Dr. Brian Carwana
about the experience.
Sacred Creation in Crisis: Strengthening the Multifaith Response in Minnesota
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
On October 12, MnMN held our annual conference, which focused on the theme of Sacred Creation in Crisis: Strengthening the Multifaith Response in Minnesota. The conference was truly a community effort that harnessed the energy of over a hundred speakers, performers, organizational partners, MnMN leadership and volunteers. We are humbled by this community’s commitment to learning about other faith traditions and finding common ground for acting together. You can read more about the conference at this link.
We Need to Build: Field Notes for Diverse Democracy organized by the Higher Education Convening Group at the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values and Community at St. Olaf College
September 28, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Named “one of America’s best leaders” by U.S. News and World Report, Eboo Patel is Founder and President of Interfaith America, the leading interfaith organization in the United States. Under his leadership, Interfaith America has worked with governments, universities, private companies, and civic organizations to make faith a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier of division. Eboo will deliver a keynote address as part of his visit to St. Olaf College. His address will focus on his new book We Need to Build: Field Notes for Diverse Democracy and will feature a panel of St. Olaf faculty respondents from Religion, Music, and Social Work. A book signing will follow immediately after.
Livestream of keynote
Religious Freedom Amid a Changing Culture: A Multi-Faith Conversation
Friday, November 11, 2022
MnMN and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints co-sponsored an event to bring together to learn, discuss, and have productive conversation about the topic of religious freedom. The keynote address was given by Steven Collis, JD, Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law and one of the leading scholars in the nation on religion and constitutional law. His talk will be followed by an opportunity for round table discussion concerning current challenges to our shared and various understandings of religious freedom. We intend for this to be a safe and honest space where we can share our perspectives on this very delicate topic. We hope that through conversation and dialogue we, as faith and interfaith leaders, can build community and support one another.
From Problem to Promise
March 24, 2022
MnMN hosted a lively conversation with Rev. Dr. Steve Newcom, founding director of the Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice and Social Transformation, on Thursday, March 24, 2022. Steve provided a brief overview of Sevenfold, a model that integrates seven dimensions of social transformation into a user-friendly framework designed to deepen our understanding of what is really going on and strategically align action for transformational impact. Following the formal presentation, shared learning continued via small group breakouts and a fascinating Q&A segment with Steve.
In a Time Such as This
October 7 & 13, 2021
MnMN's interfaith, statewide convening called, "In a Time Such as This: The urgent need for building stronger multifaith communities in Minnesota," was held October 7 & 13, 2021. Participants gathered in response to the urgent needs and disorientation of the past year, coming together around shared values and providing a salve to the wounds of systemic oppression, division, isolation, and trauma that communities have been struggling with during these turbulent times.
Discerning Our Moral Commitments Together
June 17, 2021
MnMN's interfaith, statewide convening called, "Discerning our Moral Commitments Together: A Multifaith Conversation on Racial Justice and Human Dignity" was held June 17, 2021. A deep conversation with people committed to the flourishing of all communities in Minnesota took place online. Participants shared thoughts about racial justice, human dignity and what faith communities can do together to propel needed change.