In the words of one attendee, “It was powerful to hear again and again that love of creation, of the interconnectedness of all being, that God loves all of creation. It also is tragic that despite these bedrock religious commitments we're in such a challenging situation. But the day helped nourish us in such beautiful ways from a variety of traditions and help us recommit to this work.”
One attendee beautifully summed up the thread that connected all of our featured faith leaders and practitioners, multifaith activists, scholars, community leaders, and artists: “The power of stories- Indigenous, personal, religious in addressing climate and creation; how the arts can enrich; how stories and the arts can help to build bridges and unite us.”
Another attendee wrote, “I appreciated networking and re-connecting and making new connections with others.” We were energized by the buzz of conversation happening at the tables, around the room, in the hallways and the Zoom chats. In response to the kind feedback, “I found out what a dedicated organization MnMN is and how many great people are involved in it,” we agree that this network is composed of passionate and dedicated people who contribute in countless ways—as individual members, organizational partners, friends, board members, Network Council members, Founders Circle donors, volunteers, and the list goes on. The sheer number of people involved in MnMN is a testament to the power of the multifaith movement in Minnesota.
We would like to share one final piece of feedback, with the hope that you will consider joining us for next year’s conference: “It turned out to be just what I needed to find my way back to what is essential, life-giving, and grounding. I truly appreciated the richness and diversity of the event. I’m looking forward to the next one!”
Conference Underwritten
by the Dr. Dash Foundation
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