Join Luther Seminary on February 27, 2024, for an evening with ecologist and lay theologian Rick Lindroth. Professor Lindroth will deliver the 2024 Rutlen Lecture on Faith and Creation, “Science, Truth, and Christian Faith in a Time of Eco-Crisis.”
The ecological polycrisis confronting the world today is unparalleled in human history and threatens to unravel, within decades, the very fabric of civilization. Long battered by the “dominion” theology of Christianity, the global environment has suffered further in recent decades because of entrapment in a vortex of science denialism, political polarization, and cultural tribalism. Nonetheless, as a faith system committed to truth, hope, and unity across cultural divides, Christianity also provides a path forward. Rick Lindroth argues for a re-wilding of the Christian ethic of creation care—one that promotes enchantment, connection, reciprocity, and justice—for the betterment of humanity and flourishing of the living world.
This event is free and open to the public, with no registration required. The lecture will be livestreamed via YouTube for those unable to attend in person.
Rutlen Lecture on Faith and Creation with Rick Lindroth
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
7 p.m.
Chapel of the Incarnation, Olson Campus Center
1490 Fulham Street, St. Paul, MN 55108
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