We will center ourselves in nature, returning to a calming space or awareness, playfulness, and appreciation or nature. Explore the interconnectedness of nature, beauty, mindfulness and art as ritual by creating soul circle mandalas (Morning Altars) with organic material found in nature.
What to Bring:
• Connect and honor your relationship with nature by gathering any garden flowers, leaves, sticks or twigs of similar size, acorns, pinecones, or seed pods from your yard or walks; purchased flowers are good too. Bringing items is encouraged, but absolutely not required! If you have extra, please bring it to share.
• We will be outside, please dress for the weather, bring a water bottle, a blanket to sit on and a device for taking a photo of your soul circle.
Saturday, September 16, 9:30 am - 12:15 pm, Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality, 1890 Randolph Ave, St Paul, MN 55105
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